The US Department of Education Mathematics and Science Partnership (ED MSP) program is intended to increase the academic achievement of students in mathematics and science by enhancing the content knowledge and teaching skills of classroom teachers. Partnerships between high-need school districts and the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) faculty in institutions of higher education are at the core of these improvement efforts. Other partners may include state education agencies, public charter schools, other public schools, businesses, and nonprofit or for-profit organizations concerned with mathematics and science education.
The MSP program is a formula grant program to the states, with the size of individual state awards based on student population and poverty rates. No state receives less than one half of one percent of the total appropriation. With these funds, each State is responsible for administering a competitive grant competition, in which grants are made to partnerships to improve teacher knowledge in mathematics and science.
ED Mathematics and Science Partnerships Program Highlights
"This policy brief was commissioned by the U.S. Department of Education as part of Abt Associates' contract to support their Mathematics and Science Partnerships (MSP) Program. The intent of this…
"This policy brief was commissioned by the U.S. Department of Education as part of Abt Associates' contract to support their Mathematics and Science Partnerships (MSP) Program. The intent of this…
Project Contributions
Wyoming's Computer Science K-12 University Partnership
Watch Video >> The Robotics, Applied Mathematics, Physics, and Engineering Design (RAMPED) project is an NSF Wyoming Department of Education MSP grant currently set to begin its second year in…
Watch Video >> The Robotics, Applied Mathematics, Physics, and Engineering Design (RAMPED) project is an NSF Wyoming Department of Education MSP grant currently set to begin its second year in…
Using Programming to Teach Mathematical Generalization
Watch Video >> Making generalizations and writing general expressions is an essential skill in mathematics. Developing this skill and making it a "habit of mind" for the learner is an…
Watch Video >> Making generalizations and writing general expressions is an essential skill in mathematics. Developing this skill and making it a "habit of mind" for the learner is an…
Tracking Digital Integration: Researching and Documenting Progress from Interest-Driven Professional Development to Student Engagement within the edMSP STEM Literacy Community of Practice
Watch Video >> The video updates the progress of NH MSP, "STEM Literacy, Community of Practice". The continued digital integration projects focusing on light and heat transfer and required innovative…
Watch Video >> The video updates the progress of NH MSP, "STEM Literacy, Community of Practice". The continued digital integration projects focusing on light and heat transfer and required innovative…
nPower Girls: Instructional Strategies for Getting and Keeping Girls Engaged in STEM
Watch Video >> nPower Girls is a teacher professional learning program that partners STEM career-related learning with research-based strategies for supporting girls in an inclusive STEM classroom. The project was…
Watch Video >> nPower Girls is a teacher professional learning program that partners STEM career-related learning with research-based strategies for supporting girls in an inclusive STEM classroom. The project was…
Full Steam Ahead: PD Model for Best Practices in STEAM
Watch Video >> Using an in-depth professional development model, Bellarmine University developed five Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) academies in the Jefferson County School District (JCPS) as a…
Watch Video >> Using an in-depth professional development model, Bellarmine University developed five Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) academies in the Jefferson County School District (JCPS) as a…
E4Tech: Engaging, Exciting and Empowering Educators through the “T” in STEM
Watch Video >> E4Tech is an innovative professional development model and curriculum focused on the integration of computer science and computational thinking into mathematics for grades 3-4. Lessons are designed…
Watch Video >> E4Tech is an innovative professional development model and curriculum focused on the integration of computer science and computational thinking into mathematics for grades 3-4. Lessons are designed…
NGSX: Scalable Professional Development for Three-Dimensional Science Learning
NGSX (Next Generation Science Exemplar System) is a face-to-face professional development environment for teacher study groups, in which participants connect to an on-line system that poses tasks for each session.…
NGSX (Next Generation Science Exemplar System) is a face-to-face professional development environment for teacher study groups, in which participants connect to an on-line system that poses tasks for each session.…
CPR^2: Collaborative Partnership to teach mathematical Reasoning through Computer PRogramming
Our collaborative partnership between University professors and Middle and High School teachers and their students supports the integration of computer programming into the high school classroom. In professional development sessions…
Our collaborative partnership between University professors and Middle and High School teachers and their students supports the integration of computer programming into the high school classroom. In professional development sessions…
Algebra 1: Teaching for meaning and coherence
The RAMP-A project has focused on professional development of Algebra 1 teachers, supporting their understanding and skills in teaching the CCSS for coherence, focus and rigor. Specifically, teachers have focused…
The RAMP-A project has focused on professional development of Algebra 1 teachers, supporting their understanding and skills in teaching the CCSS for coherence, focus and rigor. Specifically, teachers have focused…
Enhancing Understanding of Concepts and Practices of Science (EUCAPS)
The EUCAPS project is designed to support K-8 teachers transition toward the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The NGSS narrow the scope of the curriculum and provides instructional targets specific…
The EUCAPS project is designed to support K-8 teachers transition toward the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The NGSS narrow the scope of the curriculum and provides instructional targets specific…
Rethinking the MSP Innovation and its Influence on Fair Evaluation of Implementation
"Conventional professional development is used to prepare teachers to use a specified innovation, in the form of a program, approach or strategy. Most established models of the implementation of innovations…
"Conventional professional development is used to prepare teachers to use a specified innovation, in the form of a program, approach or strategy. Most established models of the implementation of innovations…
Examining Teachers' Enactments of Standards-Based Mathematics Curricula: The Influence of Professional Development
Posted by: Drew Polly . Findings from Year 1 of an MSP project designed to professional development to elementary schools related to the standards-based mathematics curriculum.
Posted by: Drew Polly . Findings from Year 1 of an MSP project designed to professional development to elementary schools related to the standards-based mathematics curriculum.
Promoting Scientific Inquiry Through Innovative Science and Engineering Curricula in Grades 3-5
Posted by: Augusto Macalalag, Jr. . This Math and Science Partnership project provided 47 grade 3-5 teachers with high quality science and engineering curricula, classroom-focused professional development, and mentoring designed to address key topics in earth…
Posted by: Augusto Macalalag, Jr. . This Math and Science Partnership project provided 47 grade 3-5 teachers with high quality science and engineering curricula, classroom-focused professional development, and mentoring designed to address key topics in earth…
Impact of WI MSP on Student Achievement
This paper addresses the following claim(s): "The impact of ED MSP in mathematics is very significant on teachers without a minor in mathematics The gains of students whose teachers do…
This paper addresses the following claim(s): "The impact of ED MSP in mathematics is very significant on teachers without a minor in mathematics The gains of students whose teachers do…
STEM Faculty's Evolving Perspectives on STEM Curriculum and Instruction while Participating in the Florida PROMiSE MSP Project
This paper addresses the following claim(s): "As we conducted our work, we examined the following hypotheses: STEM faculty and K-12 educators with different educational priorities approach the planning and conducting…
This paper addresses the following claim(s): "As we conducted our work, we examined the following hypotheses: STEM faculty and K-12 educators with different educational priorities approach the planning and conducting…
Washington State MSP 2 Year Report
Posted by: Eric Wuersten . Comprehensive evaluation of year 2 of Washinton State MSP projects
Posted by: Eric Wuersten . Comprehensive evaluation of year 2 of Washinton State MSP projects