Outlier Research & Evaluation at the University of Chicago will support the CS 10K effort by contributing to a necessary knowledge base for CS 10K success through the following project goals: (1) Informing CS 10K leaders and other CS educators about the supports and barriers to wide scale high school CS education implementation and providing strategies for addressing them; (2) Providing tools for measuring CS program implementation and the supports and barriers that affect implementation; and (3) Creating products from research findings and recommendations about implementing and growing CS education. This project builds on Outlier's previous NSF work rigorously studying implementation of educational innovations (new practices and programs) and the factors that affect innovation implementation and sustainability.
Project Contributions
BASICS Study (Barriers and Supports to Implementing Computer Science)
"Outlier Research & Evaluation at the University of Chicago is carrying out a two and a half year research study for the computer science (CS) education community. Funded by the…
"Outlier Research & Evaluation at the University of Chicago is carrying out a two and a half year research study for the computer science (CS) education community. Funded by the…